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Machine and plant construction

With the acquisitionof the production facility and the expertise of the former CAS chemical plant builder in Stassfurt by EMDE Industrie-Technik in 2005 it was possible to build on almost 150 years of tradition in machine and plant construction.

After a structural new start following the acquisition we are today once again in a position to offer customers worldwide rotating tube equipment, vacuum filters and special equipment for a wide variety of applications.

In addition to extensively proven system components for the soda and potassium industries we are also increasingly producing customer-specific systems adapted to specific processes. Apart from various coolers, dryers and calcinators these also include process columns, chemical apparatus and pressure containers.

The processand mechanical design is a central part of our range of services. In close collaboration with institutions and engineering firms we also offer the optionof performing preliminary experiments and design tests.

Numerous constantly updated approvals (Pressure Device Directive AD 2000 – Cod of Practice HP0, Proof of Suitability Certificate DIN 18800, certified specialists in accordance with Section 19 of the Federal Water Act, German Lloyd, certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3834-2, DIN ISO 9001) are the prerequisite for technically extremely sophisticated machineand system components.

With our experienced staff of qualified employees and our extensive machinery, we can produce large equipment up to 60 m in length, 5.25 m in diameter and with a total weight of up to 600 t.

Peripheral technology processes such as corrosion protection, heat treatment, testprocedures and the production of the extensive documentation, which goes hand in hand with the production of such equipment, user manuals and various sets of technical documentation are of course also part of the range of services. The organisation of the transportation of heavy loads, the installation and the provision of leading fitters, commissioning and also training and services are performed by our specialist staff.